
In Memoriam


On November 12, 2015, Morty Lefkoe passed away after a long battle with cancer.  Like many who were lucky enough to know him, he changed my life.

His techniques, collectively known as, “The Lefkoe Method”, are a powerful set of processes that will help a person eliminate unwanted beliefs and “conditionings”.  I know, because it has worked for me many, many times.

Though I never got to meet him in person, he has had a more profound impact on me than any other person.  In many ways he has saved my life!  The results keep getting better every day!

This website was created to honor him and share my experiences with his processes.  I am so passionate and dedicated to his work, I declare myself a “Lefkoean”.  I pray there will be many more!

Thank you Morty for all that you did!

Okay, let’s get started!